There’s something so satisfying about a class that opens both the heart and the hips. Those two areas of the body are places where so many people hold tension, so taking time to create space there feels like a treat. That’s why Eka Pada Rajakapotasana – King Pigeon Pose – is such a fun peak pose to teach.
The other thing that’s great about this pose is that it’s a peak that truly has stops along the way where students can stay and work and still get all of the benefits of the full classical version of the pose, even if the decide that going on the full journey isn’t for them that day. Poses that give students the opportunity to make choices that work for them but don’t leave them feeling like they “just can’t do it” are my favorites to teach.
Often times when people think of pigeon pose, the focus goes to the outer hip opening of the front leg (the leg that’s bent). And while, yes, that’s important– I think the opening of the psoas and hip flexor for the back leg is actually more important to open up in this pose in order to create the full backbend.
Offering a strap is also super important to work into that over the head reach with the arms needed as well.
- Seated figure 4 stretch
- Anjenayasana
- Tadasana with Gomukasana arms
Sun Salutations:
3-4 Rounds of Surya Namaskar A
Standing Poses:
- Warrior 2
- Triangle Pose
- Ardha Chandra Chapasana
- Warrior 1
- Devotional Warrior
Balance Pose:
Baby Dancer Pose
Twist Pose:
Anjenyasansa Twist
Peak Pose:
King Dancer Pose
Wind Down Poses:
- Child’s Pose
- Baddha Konasana
- Supine Twist
If you liked this sequence and want to find more vinyasa yoga sequences like this along with teaching notes + tips on how to cue them, follow @kate.lombardo + @yogarenewteachertraining on Instagram.
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