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Pranayama is an ancient breath practice, commonly recognized as the fourth limb of yoga. Also…
Alia Carangelo05/02/2023
I think that many people begin practicing yoga because there is this idea that we’ll…
Melanie Rodriguez04/26/2023
1. Pull from Yoga Philosophy The ancient texts in yoga philosophy cover a wide range…
Alia Carangelo04/26/2023
What really is karma? The dictionary defines karma as, "destiny or fate, following as effect…
Lisa Bermudez04/25/2023
Downward Facing Dog, or Adho Mukha Shvanasana in Sanskrit, is a very common pose in a…
Alia Carangelo04/19/2023
If you think about the roots of a plant, they burrow down into the soil.…
Melanie Rodriguez04/19/2023