Ayurveda + Women’s Health Course
Ayurvedic practices for Women’s Health
Ayurveda teaches us the importance of making small adjustments as we move through our day and the seasons. When we ride the waves that come and move with the ebb and flow of nature, we find and maintain balance and move through this life with ease.
Women’s bodies move through very specific stages during a lifetime and Ayurveda teaches us the importance of acknowledging, celebrating, and making adjustments as these changes come. We often focus so much on the imbalances that arise as change happens, but Ayurveda provides the teachings to help find and maintain balance through a lifetime.
What You'll Learn
This course will guide you through a basic understanding of women’s health through the lens of Ayurveda. While focusing on Menstruation, Conception, Pregnancy, Postpartum, and Menopause, you’ll learn how Ayurveda views each and how to find balance and understand certain changes that occur. You may empower yourself or your students or clients with this knowledge to feel best and vibrant through different times of life.
Moral Codes
Learn how The Yamas + Niyamas connect to Ayurveda and a balanced life.
The Doshas
An understanding of the Doshas and how they appear throughout a lifetime.
Real Life Exercises
Exercises for Menstruation, Pregnancy, Menopause and everything in-between.
Meet your instructor...
Lisa Bermudez
Lisa is an Ayurveda coach, yoga teacher, educator, writer and sky-diver. She finds inspiration from Bhakti yoga, fuel from Ayurveda, and is passionate about bringing balance into the world. She’s completed dozens of certifications across a wide scope of practices in yoga, meditation, Ayurveda, and reiki. Her credentials in Ayurveda include training from: The Sister Science, Boston Ayurveda School, and Ayurveda Living Institute.
What’s Included
- An understanding of the Doshas and how they apple to Menstruation, Menopause, Pregnancy, Conception, and Postpartum.
- Sample practices to prepare you for creating your own practices.
- An understanding of how to utilize tea and essential oils to benefit the most from your practice.
- A deeper understanding of Ayurveda and the relationship between Ayurveda and yoga.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will I benefit from this if I don’t experience Menstruation, Conception, Pregnancy, Postpartum, and Menopause?
You will! You will better understand the doshas, the qualities that make up the doshas, and also learn how to deepen your offerings for students, clients, friends, and family.
I don’t know anything about Ayurveda. Will I still benefit from this?
Totally! If you are a woman or work with women, this can help offer support on the journey throughout different stages of life.
I already have a lot of education in Ayurveda. Will I get anything out of this?
Yes! It’s always helpful to hear familiar information in different ways, especially if you want to share it with others.
Will this help me with ongoing issues or problems I have with my own health?
We aren’t doctors, so we recommend consulting your doctor before taking on any practices if you have any specific concerns. The content in this will outline ways to find balance through the lens of Ayurveda.