Working on headstand, or Sirsasana in Sanskrit, is something many yoga students in asana classes love to do…
I remember when I first started doing yoga, I would look at the people effortlessly going into headstand in the middle of the room and think, “maybe one day!”
In a Level 2 class, you may end up with many students who have a strong headstand practice and even though it’s always a fun pose to work on, sometimes it’s nice to offer a headstand variation so those students have a new place to work within the pose.
Enter Parsva Sirsasana (Revolved Headstand)!
This pose takes Sirsasana and adds a twist of the trunk, which brings in extra challenge both physically and mentally as well.
The great thing is you can build a sequence around this Sirsasana variation but also give your students the option to work on regular Sirsasana A or even headstand prep – making it great for an open-level class where you know some more advanced practitioners may show up.
The key with building this sequence is focusing on poses that stabilize and strengthen the shoulder girdle and muscles of the upper back while also incorporating twisting elements to help students find the turn of the trunk while upside down.
Have fun and let me know how it goes!
- Child’s pose with blocks (elbows on blocks to open shoulders)
- Sukasana with side body stretch
- Anjenayasana
- Low lunge twist
- Parsvottanasna with blocks
Sun Salutations: 3-4 Rounds
Standing Poses:
- Warrior 2
- Triangle Pose
- Extended Side Angle (with hand outside of the ankle)
- Warrior 1
- Parsvottanasana
Balance Poses: Eagle Pose and/or Standing Split
Twist Pose: Revolved Extended Side Angle
Peak Pose: Parsva Sirsasana (Revolved Headstand)
Wind Down Poses:
- Pavritta janu sirsasana
- Paschimottanasana
- Bridge pose
- Supine twist
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